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January 9, 2014 Town Meeting Minutes
Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
    January 9, 2014

Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm in the Cheverly Community Center.  

In attendance:  CMs, Riazi, Eldridge, Coolen, Rodgers, Thorpe, Cook.

Pledge of Allegiance


Minutes – Town Meeting 12/12/13

Minutes – Worksession  
No Meeting was held.

Mayor offered a moment of silence for the slain postal worker.

Chief’s Report

Chief Robshaw I am happy to report that this was a slow month.  This was the second lowest year we have had since 1984 and the lowest was last year.  Theft was up 24% and most of that is preventable as residents need to lock their car doors.  Our low crime rate is attributable to the citizens of Cheverly that care and they are very proactive in helping us reduce crime.  The Santa with a Badge went very well.

CM Rodgers ward 5 wants to thank the Chief for the reduction of crime in Ward 5.  It is noticeable.

Chief Robshaw I want to thank you as well, we did not have any radios in Ward 5 prior to you taking office and we now have 6 radio operators.  Cooperation with the Police allows us to work together to reduce crime.

Mayor read the notable Holiday Decorating homes.

Town Administrator’s Report

Mr. Warrington the.  We have had a snow event and we ask you also to clear your sidewalks per the regulations posted on our website.  Our crews worked through the night and ice was an issue.  We had some issues with parking and we did issue some tickets.  We have our audit and it will be a topic at the next worksession and we ended-up in the positive as a result of cost cutting and some back collections of outstanding tickets.  We do have some ice spots were there are some leaking valves from WSSC and we have asked them to take a look.

CM Eldridge do you have any suggestions for people regarding parking if they are out of town?

Mr. Warrington we have three options in the winter if you are going to be out of town.  First, you can leave your car on the correct side of the street when you leave. Second, you can park your car in the driveway.  Third, you can leave a set of keys for your car with a neighbor or friend and ask them to move it in the event of snow.

CM Coolen we have passed the 1st of the year and can not bag leaves anymore, so will there be spring vacuuming of leaves?

Mr. Warrington No, in the spring we turn our attention to cutting grass and other items.  We have been through the Town a number of times since October.

Committee Reports

Recreation Council Report

Green Infrastructure Committee

Mayor they are looking for additional members and you may want to get involved.  They will be focusing in on aiding people on means to reduce stormwater from their property and reducing their stormwater fee.  They are looking to build up the soil in Town Park.  Pepco has a program that sponsors the EmPower program to conserve energy and they will be here at 7pm prior to the Town Meeting.

Mr. Warrington announced that the Town did get a waiver for the bill received on the former Palm Reader property as the Town removed the house, walks and drive as well as planting 11 trees to make the site less permeable.

Cheverly Day Report

CM Thorpe it is tentatively scheduled for May 31st.  Assistance is important, so please feel free to contact me.

Planning Board Report

CM Eldridge with the holidays, not a lot has happened.  It would be good to hear from MNCPPC regarding the final recommendations for the 202 Corridor Plan.

Citizen Input

Ms. Maddie of Ward 5 and I wanted to thank CM Rodgers for assisting me as my car was towed this morning and she helped me out a lot.  It was not my fault that my car was towed and she helped me at the car lot to get my car back.  Thank you for helping me with this problem.  She is an insurrection to all of us.

Mayor and Council Announcements

CM Eldridge there is a group of citizens that are forming a citizen emergency response team.  They will be there to lend assistance to Town Staff and first responders in the event of an emergency.  They put out information regarding events.  They want to talk to the Town Council about their formal structure.

Mayor we are closed for the Martin Luther King holiday and there will be no trash collection.  The items for the Worksession are: Vehicle Exemption request for Jason Street, O-3-14 Trash Collection, Alley Policy Discussion for the Montrose and Landover Road alley, Amending the Mayor and Council Policy for Police Take Home Vehicles, FY13 Audit Report, Zero Waste Trash Policy Request, Resolutions for Cheverly Day and the Community Market, CERT structure, Summer Camps, 202 Corridor before the meeting and a weatherization grant program that we are considering and we would have to pass a Resolution to participate in audits etc.  Mayor gave details of the audit.

Frolich Lane Path – Waiver of Bond Requirements

Mayor CM Cooolen and I met with Mr. Torres and the developer after the December meeting as this item was on that agenda.  We did so and as a result Mr. Torres met with the contractor and worked out a number of details that we wanted and felt would make it a better product.  That has been done as everything was accepted that we wanted.

  • CM Coolen to waive the bond requirements of $2,000 to the Town for the purpose of developing the pathway on Frolich Lane. CM Riazi Seconded. Approved 6-0.
CM Eldridge I hope the Director of Public Works continues to monitor this and follow through.

Mr. Micah Watson what is the timeline for completion?

Mayor I can only tell you that it will be started in the next month.

Adoption O-1-14 Dangerous Weapons Amendment

Mr. Warrington this Ordinance does nothing more than what the State law already lays out what is and isn’t legal.  The Mayor and Council have made changes to our Town Code that will add specifics to where dangerous weapons will be prohibited in the Town.  This will be effective in February.

  • CM Eldridge to approve O-1-14 Dangerous Weapons Amendment. CM Rodgers Seconded. Approved 6-0.
Adoption O-2-13 Amending the Housing Section – Smoke Detectors

Mr. Warrington this Ordinance addresses smoke detectors in single family rental properties.  Our Code references the County standards and we are adding two words to include AND STATE in order to require compliance with the County and State laws.  It will be effective in February.

  • CM Rodgers to adopt O-2-14 Amending the Housing Section. CM Cook Seconded. Approved 6-0.
Adoption CA-6-13 Annexation – Ward 2

Mayor I want to open this as a public hearing.

Mr. Warrington this is a Charter Amendment to expand the corporate limits of the Town of Cheverly.  The Town has purchased a property next to Pinkey’s Park, which we will remove and add green space to Pinkey’s Park.  We will bring Pinkey’s Park into the corporate limits of the Town of Cheverly.  We hope to be blending it into the current park in the spring.  This will be final in early February.

Mayor I want to open thank everyone a Happy New Year.

CM Riazi I think there is a birthday in the offering.  Council sings happy birthday to the Mayor.

Mayor we are adjourned.

Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
January 9, 2014

  • CM Coolen to waive the bond requirements of $2,000 to the Town for the purpose of developing the pathway on Frolich Lane. CM Riazi Seconded. Approved 6-0.
  • CM Eldridge to approve O-1-14 Dangerous Weapons Amendment. CM Rodgers Seconded. Approved 6-0.
  • CM Rodgers to adopt O-2-14 Amending the Housing Section. CM Cook Seconded. Approved 6-0.